Page 56 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 56

Business Continuity
                                                                                                                              In-house training

       ISO 22301:2019 Lead Implementer                         ISO 22301:2019 Requirements and                                ISO 22301:2019 Senior Management
                                                               Internal Auditing                                              Briefing
       This course is our 3 day implementation course
       with additional content on leadership, finishing        This course combines the Requirements and                      Prepare for the unexpected with our in-house ISO
       with an examination. This will provide you with the     Internal Auditor courses together in a 3-day block.            22301 Senior Management Briefing. Our trainers
       necessary skills and tools to lead the                                                                                 will show you how ISO 22301:2019 can be
       implementation of a Business Continuity                 Duration 3 days                                                achieved step by step – outlining your own role
       Management System.                                                                                                     and responsibilities in ensuring business critical
                                                                                                                              functions can operate in challenging
       Duration 5 days

                                                                                                                              Duration 3 hours

       ISO 22301:2019 Internal Auditor                         ISO 22301:2019 Lead Auditor

       Gain guidance and practical experience in               Learn the knowledge and skills required to perform
       planning, executing, reporting and following up an      first, second and third-party audits of business
       internal audit, when monitoring the effectiveness       continuity management system against ISO 22301,
       and conformity of a business continuity                 in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as
       management system to ISO 22301:2019.                    applicable.

       Duration 2 days                                         Duration 5 days

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