Page 53 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 53

Service Management

                                                                                                                              Transition training

       ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Lead                               ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Lead Auditor                              ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Transition
                                                               Using a step-by-step approach, you’ll be guided                If you are familiar with ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 and
       This course combines the ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018           through the entire audit process from initiation to            interested in finding out more about the changes
       Requirements and Implementing courses, with an          follow-up in accordance with ISO 19011. You’ll gain            for the updated standard, then this course will help
       additional focus on leadership and management,          the knowledge and skills to undertake and                      you identify the gaps in your current SMS. Learn
       followed by an exam. This will provide you with an      effectively lead a successful service management               about the changes to the standard now its aligned
       in depth understanding of the standard; the best        systems audit and drive improvement. You’ll sit a 2            to the ISO high level structure and how to prepare
       practice methods to implement the standard              hour exam to test your knowledge and                           for transition.
       within your organization and ensuring its               understanding.                                                 Duration 1 day
       effectiveness by teaching soft skills such as           Duration 5 days
       leadership, management, effective delegation,
       problem solving and motivation.

       Duration 5 days

       ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Internal Auditor                                                                                  ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Auditor Transition                 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Implementing
       An internal audit is an essential element of an                                                                        If you’ve already learnt how ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
       effective SMS, and by attending this course you’ll                                                                     differs and are an ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 Internal or     Learn what is needed when transitioning a SMS
       develop the auditing skills to help improve your                                                                       Lead Auditor wanting the expertise to audit to the      from ISO/IEC 20000- 1:2011 to ISO/IEC 20000-
       organization’s SMS performance. You’ll learn how                                                                       revised ISO/IEC 20000-1 SMS standard, then this         1:2018 so your organization can respond to
       to assess and report on the conformity and                                                                             course is for you. You will learn how to audit the      changing service management trends and deliver a
       effectiveness of an SMS based on ISO/IEC 20000-                                                                        key differences between the standards.                  valuable service. Discover how to implement the
       1:2018. You’ll also gain the skills to initiate an audit,                                                              Duration 1 day                                          key differences in requirements between ISO/IEC
       prepare and conduct audit activities, compile and                                                                                                                              20000-1:2011 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, and
       distribute audit reports and complete follow-up                                                                                                                                develop a transition action plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Duration 1 day
       Duration 2 days

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