Page 51 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 51

Data Protection

       In-house training

       ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Internal Auditor

       As a qualified auditor, learn to effectively audit the
       policies, processes and procedures that your
       organization has implemented in order to meet the
       requirements of ISO/IEC 27701:2019, and as
       defined in your organization’s privacy information
       management system (PIMS).

       Duration 1 day

       ISO/IEC 27032:2012 Guidelines for                       BS 10012:2017 Senior Management
       Cybersecurity                                           Briefing

       This course aims to ensure that you understand          This executive session highlights the benefits of an
       the information security risks when operating in        effective PIMS and introduces you to the key
       the cyberspace, along with the common controls          requirements of BS 10012:2017. Through this, you’ll
       and techniques designed to help prevent and             gain a better understanding of both your
       manage those risks appropriately and effectively.       organization’s obligations and your personal
       Duration 2 days
                                                               Duration 3 hours

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