Page 59 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 59

Food and Drink
       ISO 22000

       training                                                ISO 22000:2018 Requirements                                    ISO 22000:2018 Lead Implementer

                                                               Identify the structure and requirements of an
                                                                                                                              This training combines our ISO 22000
                                                               effective management system, and what this                     requirements and implementation courses, with an
                                                               means for you. Gain a thorough insight into food               additional 2 days of content with examination. This
                                                               safety management systems and the key concepts                 will provide you with: An in depth understanding of
                                                               and structure of ISO 22000, key terms, definitions             the standard; the best practice methods to
                                                               and the ISO standardized high level structure.                 implement the standard within your organization;
                                                                                                                              and ensure its effectiveness by teaching you
                                                               Duration 1 day
                                                                                                                              management skills such as leadership, effective
                                                                                                                              delegation, problem solving and motivation.

                                                                                                                              Duration 5 days

       The ISO 22000:2018 gives food                           ISO 22000:2018 Implementation                                  ISO 22000:2018 Internal Auditor                         CQI/IRCA Certified ISO 22000:2018

       safety professionals and other                          In this course you will gain the required skills to            This course develops the necessary skills to assess     Lead Auditor

       interested parties an opportunity                       conduct a base-line review of your organization’s              and report on the conformance and                       Over five days, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills
                                                               current position and implement the key principles              implementation of processes based on ISO 22000.         required to undertake and lead a successful food
       to understand the changes being                         of ISO 22000. Using a step-by-step approach,                   You’ll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and      safety management systems audit; using a step-by-
       made to this transitioning standard.                    you’ll learn how to develop an implementation                  conduct audit activities, compile                       step approach, you’ll be guided through the entire

                                                               plan, create necessary documentation and monitor               and distribute audit reports, and complete              audit process from initiation to follow-up. Learn to
                                                               your FSMS Plan                                                 follow-up activities.                                   describe the purpose of a ISO22000 audit and
                                                                                                                                                                                      satisfy third party certification as well as grasp the
                                                                                                                              Duration 2 days
                                                                                                                                                                                      key principles and practices of effective food safety
                                                               Duration 2 days                                                                                                        management system audits in accordance with ISO
                                                                                                                                                                                      Duration 5 days

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