Page 61 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 61


                                                                                                                              ISO 37001:2016

                                                                                                                              In-house training

       ISO 37001 is the international standard designed to help                                                               Requirements of ISO 37001:2016                          Implementing ISO 37001:2016

       organizations implement an anti-bribery management                                                                     This course introduces the concepts of anti-            This course will guide you through the

       system. It specifies a series of measures your organization                                                            bribery, explains the benefits of an ABMS and the       implementation of an ISO 37001 ABMS using a
                                                                                                                              key requirements and context of ISO 37001:2016.         combination of practical exercises and class
       can implement to help prevent, detect and address bribery.                                                             It’s applicable to all organizations including the      discussions. You will also receive a take-home
       Designed to be integrated into your organization’s existing                                                            public, private and voluntary / not-for-profit          reference toolkit containing essential documents

       management processes and controls, ISO 37001 also                                                                      sectors.                                                and information you can reference and use during

       follows the common ISO structure for management system                                                                 Duration 1 day                                          your organization’s implementation process.
       standards, for easy integration with ISO 9001 for example.

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