Page 58 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
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Food and Drink
BRCGS training
FSSC 22000 v5 Internal Auditor Understanding FSSC Development Program BRCGS training courses are specifically
focused on the Global Standards
Building on an understanding of FSSC 22000 and FSSC offers a voluntary FSSC Development since 2000.
the key principles of an FSMS, this course develops Program that gives small and medium
the necessary skills to assess and report on the manufacturing organizations the opportunity to Developed with the Standard Managers and in line
conformance and implementation of processes access FSMS certification.The FSSC Development with new issues of the Standards, BRCGS training
based on FSSC 22000. You’ll learn how to initiate Program has 2 conformity assessment levels courses provide you with the most up-to-date
an audit, prepare and conduct audit activities, before certification of the full FSMS. Food information:
compile and distribute audit reports, and complete manufacturing companies can be assessed at level
follow-up activities. 1 or level 2.The Program is aligned with CODEX • Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 to 8:
HACCP, GFSI Global Markets and the FSSC 22000 Conversion for Auditors
Duration 2 days
structure. This ensures worldwide recognition and • Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 to 8:
the option to progress to full FSSC 22000 Conversion for Sites
• Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8: Sites
Duration 1 day
• Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8: Lead
FSSC 22000 v5 Lead Auditor • Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 5
Gain the knowledge and skills required to perform to 6: Conversion for Auditors
first, second and third-party audits of FSSC 22000 • Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 5
FSMS in accordance with ISO 19011, ISO 17021 and to 6: Conversion for Sites
ISO/TS 22003. You’ll learn to plan, conduct, report
on and follow up a successful FSSC 22000 version • Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 6:
5 FSMS audit. Using a step-by-step approach, you’ll Auditors
be guided through the entire audit process from • Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 6:
initiation to follow-up according to best practice Sites
Duration 5 days I +27(0)12 004 0279 I 58