Page 66 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 66
Energy Management
ISO 50001:2018 Requirements and ISO 50001:2018 Internal Auditor ISO 50001:2018 Transition
Implementation You will learn the fundamentals of planning, Find out about the changes with the updated
This course combines the Requirements and conducting and reporting on an internal ISO standard. Learn the ISO high level structure for
Implementation courses together in a 3-day block. 50001:2018 audit. You will also gain an management system standards and how to
appreciation of verifying improvements in energy identify gaps in your current EnMS, starting to plan
Duration 3 days performance, and in assessing the effectiveness of your transition tothe revised standard.
an energy management system.
Duration 1 day
Duration 2 days
In-house training
ISO 50001:2018 Lead Implementer ISO 50001:2018 Lead Auditor ISO 50001:2018 Auditor Transition ISO 50001:2018 Senior Management
On completion of this training you will have the You will gain the knowledge and skills required to If you’re an ISO 50001:2011 auditor who wants to
knowledge of ISO 50001 requirements and undertake and lead successful EnMS audits in develop the expertise to audit an ISO 50001:2018 This briefing helps business leaders understand
methods for its implementation, and the skills to accordance with internationally recognized best EnMS; you’ll have already learnt the differences how they’ll be involved and the commitment
effectively lead, manage and delegate activities to practice techniques. You’ll learn to plan, conduct, between the standards. This course will focus on required supporting effective implementation.
ensure the effective implementation of ISO 50001 report and follow-up on an EnMS audit. auditing activities so you can learn to apply this
within your organization. practically in order to build your ISO 50001:2018 Duration 3 hours
Duration 5 days
Duration 5 days auditing skill.
Duration 1 day I +27(0)12 004 0279 I 66