Page 29 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 29

Collaborative Business Relationships

                                                                                                                              ISO 44001:2017

                                                                                                                              ISO 44001:2017

       Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems                                                                 Introduction to ISO 44001:2017                          Implementing ISO 44001:2017

       can deliver a wide range of benefits to enhance                                                                        You’ll gain an insight to the key requirements          Our experienced trainers keep this course

       competitiveness and performance. ISO 44001 has evolved                                                                 encompassed within the ISO 44001 standard, and          practical, giving you relevant knowledge to achieve
                                                                                                                              start to address the fundamental objectives of a        the ISO 44001 collaborative relationship
       into an international standard to help organizations, large                                                            structured approach to collaborative working. If        management system. Your learning is based
       and small in both public and private sectors, to build and                                                             you already use BS 11000, it will provide you with      around industry best practice outlined in the

       develop effective competitive business relationships based                                                             an understanding of the new requirements within         standard. Find out how to challenge and innovate

       upon a collaborative approach.                                                                                         ISO 44001.                                              to get the best out of partnerships and deliver real
                                                                                                                                                                                      benefits – achieve greater efficiency by sharing
                                                                                                                              Duration 1 day
                                                                                                                                                                                      skills and resources and reducing cost and risk.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Duration 2 days

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