Page 25 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 25
Asset Management
ISO 55001:2014
ISO 55001:2014
Our experts can help you to understand and audit an Asset Fundamentals of Asset Management Asset Management: Requirements
Management System, enabling you to better manage financial, This interactive course will provide an overview of of ISO 55001:2014
physical or organizational assets. This could lead to better asset management, what it is and what it can do You’ll explore in depth the organizational
for your organization. It shares the latest thinking, implications of the international standard for asset
operating results, performance and improve your bottom line. processes, methods and tools in joined up management (ISO 55001:2014). The course aim is
management of any asset. If you have an interest to explain the main requirements of ISO
in or responsibility for physical or other assets, risk 55001:2014 and its organizational benefits.
management, resourcing operations, technical
services, quality management or organizational Duration 1 day
development, you’ll find this course beneficial.
Duration 2 days I +27(0)12 004 0279 I 25