Page 24 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 24

Medical Devices
       In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation                          Specialist training

       IVD Directive to IVD Regulation (IVDR)                  Medical Device Single Audit Program                            Technical Documentation for In Vitro
       Transition training course                              (MDSAP): Fundamentals and Readiness                            Diagnostic Devices*

       There are significant changes in the European           This course will prepare you to host a MDSAP audit             Technical documentation includes the collation
       legislation applicable to IVDs. The IVDR (In Vitro      and allow you to determine if your own internal                of supporting information about your IVD Device
       Diagnostic Regulation) (EU 2017/746) has replaced       QMS processes are consistent with the                          and is a required part of conformity assessments
       the IVD Directive (98/79/EC), and will impose new       requirements of the MDSAP audit mode for the                   and CE Marking. This course enables greater
       requirements on manufacturers and other                 jurisdictions where your products are marketed.                understanding of the key requirements for
       Economic Operators. Our one day training course                                                                        technical documentation for IVDs, in line with the
       has been designed to introduce IVD manufacturers        Duration 2 days                                                IVDR requirements in Europe. Learn how to
       and other Economic Operators in the supply chain                                                                       assemble this and other types of required
       to the key changes to requirements for CE marking                                                                      information so you can CE Mark your device
       following the publication of the new IVD                                                                               in Europe.
       Regulation (IVDR).
                                                                                                                              Duration 1 day
       Duration 1 day

       Requirements of the In Vitro Diagnostic                 Implementation of the In Vitro                                 Performance Evaluation and Clinical                     CE Marking with Software
       Regulation Training Course                              Diagnostic Device Regulation for CE                            Evidence for In Vitro Diagnostic Devices                This course will help you understand how
                                                               Marking Training Course
       Learn about the key requirements of the new In                                                                         This course will enable a greater understanding of      directives apply to your organizations’ software,
       Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR EU 2017/746),         To help implement the requirements of the                      performance evaluation for IVD Devices under the        how software is classified and how to achieve and
       published in Spring 2017 with a five year transition    European In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation                 IVDR, looking at how this performance fits into the     maintain a CE mark. Learn the steps to define,
       period. The Regulation will affect all In Vitro         (IVDR 2017/746) to obtain and maintain the CE                  product development lifecycle and IVDR                  classify, develop and test your medical device
       Diagnostic device manufacturers, importers,             mark for your product. Gain confidence with the                requirements for clinical evidence.                     software, which is important to keeping your
       distributors and EU Representatives.                    IVD classification rules and the conformity                    Duration 1 day                                          product marketable.
                                                               assessment routes.
       Duration 1 day                                                                                                                                                                 Duration 1 day
                                                               Duration 3 days

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