Page 44 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
P. 44
Occupational Health and Safety
ISO 45001:2018 Requirements and ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor ISO 45001:2018 Lead Auditor
An internal audit is an essential element to an This course teaches the fundamental auditing
This training course combines our ISO 45001 effective OH&S MS, and by attending this course principles and practices in conformance with
Requirements and Implementation courses. you will benefit by learning and developing the national and international accepted norms and
skills to help improve your organization’s OH&S regulations relating to OH&S requirements. By
Duration 3 days includes optional online exam
performance. You’ll develop the necessary skills to attending, you will gain the necessary auditing
assess and report on the conformance and skills through activity-based learning, and practical
implementation of processes based on ISO 45001. auditing experience with coaching, group
You’ll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and workshops and open forum discussions.
conduct audit activities, compile and distribute Duration 5 days
audit reports and complete follow-up activities.
Once you’ve successfully completed Internal or
Duration 2 days includes optional online exam
Lead Auditor training, you can follow our BSI
Auditor Qualification pathway.
ISO 45001:2018 Lead Implementer ISO 45001:2018 Requirements
and Internal Auditing
This course combines our ISO 45001
Requirements and Implementation courses, with This course combines the Requirements and
additional content on leadership, finishing with Internal Auditor courses together in a 3-day block.
an examination. This will provide you with the
necessary skills and tools to lead the Duration 3 days includes optional online exam
implementation of an Occupational Health
and Safety Management System.
Duration 5 days
To become a qualified Internal or
Lead Auditor, you can follow our
BSI Auditor Qualification pathway. I +27(0)12 004 0279 I 44