Page 4 - BSI Training Brochure 2021
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Why train with BSI?
Great businesses rely on great Why training Turn our experience
people. Research shows that when is important into your expertise
an organization invests in training We’ve shaped the world’s most
and development, they reap 83% adopted standards including ISO
real rewards: 9001 and ISO 14001
of people feel that staff are
the key to maintaining a 90%
competitive edge*
45% of our delegates score our
tutors 9 or 10 out of 10
percent of staff say they’d
feel more motivated if their 55% BSI spend over 230,000 days
organization invested in with clients in a year, so we
skills training* know what businesses want
of FTSE 100 companies are and understand their needs
BSI clients
113,000 250
Businesses are 2.5 times more
likely to fail if they don’t train Our tutors have 250 years
their staff* Last year we trained 113,000 experience working with
people, from SMEs to global management systems
* Source: City of Bristol Benefits of Training article between them I +27(0)12 004 0279 I 4