Maintaining your ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 environmental management goes beyond certification, showing you how to continually improve your organization. Find out how developing and maintaining your ISO 14001 system allows you to respond effectively to changing expectations and regulations. 

Make the most of your certification

You can access a number of resources designed to help you get the most out of your environmental management certification. Regular updates on the latest developments in the ISO 14001 series and other management systems will make sure you’re always up to date. You can also keep your skills relevant with our training courses. All of this, plus support from your client manager and business reviews, will help your organization to stay compliant and competitive, and to keep improving.

Use the BSI Assurance Mark


Once certified, you’ll be able to make your own mark by displaying the BSI Assurance Mark. It’s a valuable marketing tool that you can use to promote your organization. It signals a clear achievement and can offer a competitive advantage. We’re recognized globally as one of the most experienced independent assessors of best practice. That means you’ll also get international recognition as a business that achieves standards of excellence every day.

You’ll also be listed in our global Client Directory  alongside other leading organizations, helping you to open new markets, secure existing ones and compete with confidence.

Drive continual improvement with Entropy Software

It’s one thing achieving a standard, but it’s another to maintain that standard. Without constant attention and continual improvements, standards can slip. Entropy can help make sure you not only stay at compliance level – it can give you an organization-wide system for driving performance improvements.

Entropy Software provides a number of powerful features that can drive continual business improvement throughout your organization. These features are continued within five modules that are used to drive efficiencies in: 

  • Audit and Compliance Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Risk Management
  • Incident Management
  • Performance Management

Integrate to keep getting better

Now that you have a certified ISO 14001 environmental management system in place, you can integrate it with your other management systems. This allows you to combine and streamline the way you manage processes that apply to more than one system. Try using PAS 99 as a framework to identify and integrate common management system requirements for better performance.

Transfer your certification to BSI

Certifying through BSI means more than associating your business with a global brand. You’ll also get the benefits that all valued BSI clients receive. And these don’t just stop at certification. We’ll help you stay up to date with standards and training so you can keep improving, as well as stay compliant. Plus, our six-monthly reassessments will help you to achieve excellence every day. You’ll also be able to display the BSI Assurance mark, helping you stand out from your competitors.

Training courses to help you maintain your ISO 14001 system

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (IRCA) Lead Auditor Training Course >

Over 5 days, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills required to undertake and lead a successful environmental management systems audit. Learn to describe the purpose of an ISO 14001:2015 EMS audit and how to satisfy third-party certification. You’ll acquire the skills to plan, conduct, report and follow-up an EMS audit that establishes conformity and enhances environmental performance.

5 days classroom based training course.

How our BSI verification works

The PAS 2060 standard specifies a four-stage process to demonstrate carbon neutrality. This involves:

  • Assessment of GHG emissions based on accurate measurement data
  • Reduction of emissions through a target-driven carbon management plan
  • Offsetting of excess emissions, often by purchasing carbon credits
  • Documentation and verification through qualifying explanatory statements and public disclosure.


Through independent BSI verification to PAS 2060, your business can demonstrate that it has met these requirements. You can show you are serious about sustainability, responding to the challenge of climate change and contributing to the UNSDGs, while enhancing your organization’s performance and resilience.