Business and industry
Supporting business and industry
An important part of BSI’s role as the UK’s National Standards Body is to facilitate the development of the standards needed by UK businesses.
Standards cover a wide range of subjects and industries. They can be very specific product standards or more general good practice for managing businesses. For more information on the role of standards please visit this page, or see our dedicated pages to find out more about standards in your industry .
We also facilitate the involvement of UK experts in international standards making, which accounts for 95% of BSI’s standards programme. We have approximately 12,000 experts working through 1,200 BSI committees to ensure the maximum possible influence for UK businesses and industry on the content of European and international standards.
It is important to BSI that the needs of UK business are fully represented in the standards development process. To achieve this, we seek to develop strong relationships with trade associations, business organisations and professional bodies that represent the users of standards and can provide expertise to our standards development committees. Please contact us for further information.
Standards also play an important role in supporting innovation, helping to create new markets at home and abroad for UK businesses. Further information on our current activities can be found here.
The benefits of standards apply to businesses of all sizes. BSI provides tools to help SMEs understand standards and their benefits, get involved in standards development and find the right standards for their business.
Small businesses
If you’re a small business, you already know that you have to work harder to prove yourself against larger organizations. Implementing standards inspires confidence in your business and sets you apart from the competition. And, crucially for your bottom line, it can drive down costs, boost productivity and improve profits
The economic benefits of standards
Standards make a huge economic contribution to the UK. They are a vital part of the strength of UK industry and play a crucial and often invisible role in supporting economic growth.