Understand the process to deliver design and construction projects in line with BIM ISO 19650 Part 2: Project delivery phase. During this one-day classroom or virtual classroom training, you’ll build on information from our BIM fundamentals course.
With sessions on ISO 19650-2 terminology, information management responsibilities and how they apply to a team, this course is suited to project clients, architects, engineers, main or sub-contractors. You’ll already have some knowledge of BIM implementation and have day-to-day responsibility for construction projects.
You’ll learn what the ISO 19650-2 standard means and understand how contractors need to show BIM capability to their clients. This step on your learning journey will provide you with the skills needed to start applying the standard to your own projects.
How will I benefit?
- Understand how to create project information requirements (PIRs), information standards, and the appointment-specific exchange information requirements (EIRs)
- Be able to assess BIM capability and develop a BIM execution plan
- Work in a group to understand key processes
- Gain an internationally recognized BSI certificate
Who should attend?
Project clients, designers (architects, structural/civil engineers, services engineers, etc.), main contractors and sub-contractors, manufacturers of complex products/components.
Asset/facility managers will also find it helpful to attend to find out how their operational information is specified and delivered during a construction project.
This course is designed for those with some knowledge of BIM Implementation including those who’ve used the former UK standards. You may previously have attended BIM Fundamentals or equivalent.
You should have day-to-day involvement with, or responsibility for construction projects, particularly the information management aspects of those projects.
What will I learn?
On completion of this training, you will be able to:
- Explain what the ISO 19650-2 standard says and what it means
- Define how key information management documents are developed
- Identify how designers and contractors are expected to show their BIM capability to their prospective clients
- Understand how to start applying ISO 19650-2 to your projects
What's included?
- Detailed course notes
- On completion you'll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate
Course Guide
Kiedy znów będziesz gotowy na szkolenie stacjonarne, jesteśmy gotowi na przyjęcie Cię w naszej sali szkoleniowej. Szkolenia odbywają się przy zachowaniu aktualnie obowiązujących restrykcji, ogłoszonych przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia. W miarę jak wszyscy przystosowujemy się do większej swobody w podróżowaniu i spotkaniach, chcemy zapewnić, że nasz zespół szkoleniowy współpracuje z wykładowcami w celu zwiększenia wszelkich środków zapewniających bezpieczeństwo. W naszych starannie wybranych obiektach szkoleniowych nadal obowiązują procedury dystansu społecznego, z łatwo dostępnymi stanowiskami z odkażaczami w punktach o dużym natężeniu ruchu w całym obiekcie. W dalszym ciągu stosujemy rygorystyczne procedury gruntownego sprzątania, co zapewnia spokój ducha podczas pobytu w danym miejscu. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań dotyczących rezerwacji szkolenia w sali lekcyjnej prosimy o kontakt pod adresem szkolenia@bsigroup.com.