BS ISO 22458:2022
Consumer vulnerability
Consumer vulnerability
Requirements and guidelines for the design and delivery of inclusive service
Requirements and guidelines for the design and delivery of inclusive service

Providing fair, flexible and inclusive services to all
What’s happened and why?
In 2010, UK consumer and public interest groups led on the creation of a British Standard that pioneered how to identify and tackle consumer vulnerability. An international version has now been published which will supersede the British Standard BS 18477, reflecting a growing global interest in this topic.
What does BS ISO 22458:2022 cover?
It specifies requirements and gives guidance to organizations on how to provide an inclusive service at all stages of service delivery, helping them identify and support consumers in vulnerable situations.
Why use BS ISO 22458:2022?
There are lots of reasons why organizations should adopt an inclusive service approach, among them:
- It increases your customer base
- It improves service provision and the quality of customer interactions for all
- It reduces the likelihood of problems, reducing the costs of complaints handling
- It increases customer satisfaction and trust, enhancing your reputation
- It gives you a tool with which to demonstrate ethical behaviour and social responsibility
- It can strengthen staff loyalty and engagement
The standard’s use also supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth and Goal 10 on reduced inequalities.