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    Nippon Swagelok FST Inc.

    Nippon Swagelok FST Inc.
    Service Center West
    (Production Cener)
    1-1-1 Naruohama,
    BSI logo

    Certificate number: FS 794555
    Scope: The fluid system assembly services based on customer design: product layout design, third party product receiving, assembly and packaging The application and implementation of product inspections in accordance with local regulations, as well as repair and rental services for welding systems and installation tools
    顧客設計に基づいた配管ユニット製作サービス製品のレイアウト設計、外注品受入、組み立ておよび梱包 国内法規に従った製品検査の申請、実施ならびに溶接機・配管施工ツールの修理およびレンタルサービス

    Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date Expiry Date
    ISO 9001:2015 2023-12-07 2026-12-06

    Certificate number: EMS 811706
    Scope: The sales of valves, fittings and fluid system products, proposal of piping unit fabrication services, inventory control and assembly operations

    Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date Expiry Date
    ISO 14001:2015 2024-11-21 2027-11-20