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    View of Dartmoor National Park the largest protected area in southwest England
    Products & Services

    Validation & Verification Assessment

    Verify and validate your sustainability information statements and claims.

    Ensuring corporate integrity and responsible business practices across the world.

    Independent validation and verification provides credibility, transparency and consistency in confirming sustainability claims, ensuring they meet regulatory, customer and stakeholder expectations.

    It provides confidence that sustainability claims are accurate, impartial, and evidence-based.

    Enhance your organization's credibility and build stakeholder trust

    Ensure compliance with our validation and verification assessments.

    A group of office employees huddling over some documents on a desk while consulting with each other during a business meeting
    • Icon description

      Build confidence in sustainability initiatives and corporate environmental responsibility efforts.

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      Stay compliant with environmental regulations and stakeholder requirements.

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      Enhance your brand reputation with independent and objective assurance.

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      Provide confidence through accurate sustainability disclosures while supporting your ESG goals.

    Answering your questions about validation and verification assessments

    Business people having coffee
    Why BSI

    Objectivity throughout your validation and verification process

    Get the objectivity and transparency you need at every stage.

    Our validation and verification assessment comes with the confidence of partnering with a trusted, global organization. Our qualified personnel have a deep knowledge on diverse sustainability areas and industries, so they understand your needs.



