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    emale Farm Worker Using Digital Tablet With Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence
    • Whitepaper
      Digital Trust

    Democratization, Collaboration and Education – A Way for AI to Benefit All

    Dénelise l’Ecluse explores the steps organizations can take to help ensure that the benefits of AI are enjoyed equitably across society.

    AI transformation could help address the digital divide

    Explore the opportunity for AI to drive progress and help meet UN Sustainable Development Goal 10, to reduce inequality within and between countries.

    • Discover how democratizing technology could be the key to building a sustainable world.

    • Explore how organizations can help close the equality gap by collaborating to create new technology.

    • Understand the importance of training the next generation to help us better harness the power of AI.

    • Be inspired by sustainability - discover the AI opportunity to partner for positive impact.

    Contact Us

    Let’s shape trust in AI together

    Our experts provide a trusted foundation that understands the societal impact of AI and allows your organization to create positive change.
