Standards Policy & Engagement

The Standards Policy & Engagement teams fall under the direct responsibility of the Director-General of Standards.  


Their main areas of activity and responsibility are:

  • to be the principal link between BSI and its international counterpart organizations. The External Policy team co-ordinates the formal relationship with other national standards organizations and participates in the management structures of ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC
  • to coordinate BSI’s relationship with Central and Local Government departments and agencies
  • to manage BSI’s activities as the National Standards Body
  • to engage with universities, trade associations, and professional bodies to support the teaching of standards, and provide ways for postgraduates and early career professionals to get involved in standards-making.
David Bell

David Bell

Direttore del Gruppo Policy esterna

Il Gruppo Policy esterna è guidato da David Bell. Oltre a guidare il team BSI, David Bell è anche membro del Consiglio di amministrazione del CEN (Comitato europeo per la normazione), Presidente del Consiglio di certificazione del CEN e rappresentante CEN e CENELEC (Comitato europeo di normazione elettrotecnica) presso il Consiglio di amministrazione dell'EA (Associazione europea degli enti nazionali di accreditamento). E-mail: Telephone: +44 20 8996 6347

Amanda Richardson

Amanda Richardson

Direttore Policy Internazionale

Amanda Richardson è responsabile della gestione e dell'implementazione delle policy internazionali, in particolare relativamente al coordinamento delle policy BSI sulle tematiche ISO e IEC e a tutte le questioni trattate dal Consiglio ISO (Organizzazione internazionale per la normazione). Amanda Richardson ricopre la carica di membro BSI nel Consiglio di gestione tecnica dell'ISO. Si tratta di un ruolo di primaria importanza all'interno della struttura gestionale dell'ISO. E-mail: Telephone: +44 20 8996 7452

Peter Sissons

Peter Sissons

International Engagement

The International Engagement team develops and maintains BSI’s bilateral and multilateral relationships with strategically important stakeholders; in line with UK economic interests and BSI’s strategic objectives.

The International Engagement team engages with a range of stakeholders from UK and foreign Governments; international standards development organisations; national standards bodies; regional bodies and industry consortia. These relationships provide the opportunity to increase the visibility and international use of BSI’s standards, supporting opportunities for UK firms to trade internationally. The team share good practice globally and identify opportunities for the benefit of BSI and its UK stakeholders. 

In May 2018, the International Engagement team launched the UK Government funded Commonwealth Standards Network. The network seeks to increase the use of international standards as a tool to support intra-Commonwealth trade, leading to enhanced levels of economic prosperity, maximising developmental outcomes across the Commonwealth. The CSN now has 48 member states actively participating in the network –

The International Engagement team focuses on a range of important countries and regions, including China, the US, Japan and India, alongside Africa, the GCC region and the ASEAN region. Our largest work programme focusses on China, under the UK China Standardization Cooperation Commission (SCC) in partnership with the Standardization Administration of China (SAC). The SCC provides a platform to coordinate standardization activity and promote economic and technical cooperation to facilitate bilateral trade. The SCC has developed work programmes focussing on smart cities, civil nuclear energy, graphene and most recently a group to support the UK Government funded China Business Environment Standards programme.

Steve Brunige

Steve Brunige

Head of Industry and Government Engagement

Steve is responsible for BSI’s engagement, as the UK’s National Standards Body, with industry and government stakeholders.  This includes understanding their current and future needs for standards and raising awareness of the benefits that voluntary, consensus-based standards provide to the UK economy through helping businesses become more productive, efficient and innovative.  Steve also engages across government to communicate the opportunities for government to use standards to achieve its policy objectives and as an alternative to regulation. 

Steve also oversees BSI’s relationships with committee members and with organisations that nominate individuals for membership of standards-making committees.


Daniel Mansfield

Daniel Mansfield

Direttore per l'applicazione delle Policy

Daniel Mansfield si interessa in particolare dei rapporti che BSI intrattiene con il governo, affinché le norme siano in linea con le politiche governative. In collaborazione con Richard Collin, Responsabile Policy nazionali ed europee, si interessa delle policy proposte dal governo, rispondendo alle consultazioni del governo ove esista rilevanza per le norme. Si interessa inoltre in particolare al modo in cui le norme possono contribuire all'innovazione, lavorando sull'infrastruttura britannica per l'innovazione e collaborando anche con CEN (Comitato europeo per la normazione) e CENELEC (Comitato europeo di normazione elettrotecnica) su questo tema. E-mail: Telephone: +44 20 8996 7750

Daniel Barlow

Daniel Barlow

Head of Innovation Policy

Daniel Barlow is Head of Innovation Policy at BSI and manages the University Partnerships and Educational development team. Daniel is responsible for BSI’s policy development and engagement in the field of innovation, digital and emerging technologies; including government, industry and research – particularly in emerging sectors.