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14 Rue du Printemps




Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number ENMS 609673 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 50001:2018 Start date 2015-01-21 Expiry date 2027-01-04
Colocation and Data centers as a Service for Data centers DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5 (OPCORE Data centers)
Colocation et Datacenter en tant que service pour les Datacenters DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5 (OPCORE Datacenters)
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 665144 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Start date 2018-02-14 Expiry date 2025-10-31
Management of Information security in the following activities: Colocation and Data centers as a Service for Data centers DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5 (OPCORE Data centers).
Management de la sécurité de l'information dans les activités suivantes: Colocation et Datacenter en tant que service, pour les Datacenters DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5 (OPCORE Datacenters).
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number HDS 739219 Standard/scheme number or name HDS:2018 Start date 2021-01-13 Expiry date 2026-05-15
Colocation and Datacenter as a Service for activity of: • Provision and maintenance in operational condition of physical sites for hosting the hardware infrastructure of the information system used to process the health data, corresponding to the ANS Activities 1 and 2. The organization is certified according to ISO 27001:2013.
Colocation et Datacenter en tant que service pour l’activité de: • Mise à disposition ou maintien en condition opérationnelle de locaux permettant d’héberger l’infrastructure matérielle du système information de santé correspondant aux activités 1 et 2 de l'ANS . L'organisation est certifiée ISO 27001:2013.

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