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Rheinweg 9




Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 689002 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Start date 2018-10-03 Expiry date 2024-10-02
Governance of control, technical provisioning, monitoring and ensuring security and availability of Acronis Cyber Cloud services and data stored or processed by these services, including personal and health data; outsourcing service management; building and testing of Acronis software products.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number HDS 730463 Standard/scheme number or name HDS:2018 Start date 2020-09-03 Expiry date 2026-09-02
Control, technical provisioning, monitoring and ensuring security and availability of Acronis Cyber Cloud services and data stored or processed by these services, including personal and health data, and outsourcing service management and HDS activities from #1 to #6 of the reference system ANS HDS:2018 version 1.1.
Contrôle, approvisionnement technique, surveillance et garantie de la sécurité et de la disponibilité des services Acronis Cyber Cloud et des données stockées ou traitées par ces services, y compris les données personnelles et de santé, et gestion des services d'externalisation, et activités HDS de #1 à #6 du système de référence ANS HDS:2018 version 1.1.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number CLOUD 779152 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Start date 2023-01-12 Expiry date 2024-10-02
Control, technical provisioning, monitoring and ensuring security and availability of Acronis Cyber Cloud services and data stored or processed by these services, including personal and health data; outsourcing service management; building and testing of Acronis software products.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number PII 779157 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27018:2019 Start date 2023-01-12 Expiry date 2024-10-02
Control, technical provisioning, monitoring and ensuring security and availability of Acronis Cyber Cloud services and data stored or processed by these services, including personal and health data; outsourcing service management; building and testing of Acronis software products.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number FS 801213 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 9001:2015 Start date 2023-12-20 Expiry date 2026-12-19
Control, technical provisioning, monitoring and ensuring availability of Acronis Cyber Cloud services. Building and testing Acronis software products.

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