ISO 14068-1:2023 Carbon Neutrality Requirements - International

It is now widely accepted that human activity is contributing significantly to negative impacts on our planet. Scientists and climate experts advise that we are running out of time to resolve the issues. The 2021 report1 from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that the 1.5°C target will be exceeded by 2040 unless emissions are slashed and has been described as a ‘code red for humanity’. Fixing the climate change problem and securing a stable, prosperous future for the planet is a key driving force behind climate action.

The leading organizations have recognized the existential threat presented by the climate crisis, developing policies and strategies to help reduce emissions within their operations and value chain. As climate change has become recognized as a threat to the planet and human existence, there is an increasing realization and focus on a need to achieve net zero.

Carbon neutrality, which is a state of balance between carbon released into the atmosphere and the amount of carbon removed from it, is an important milestone on that pathway to net zero.


It is strongly recommended that you have completed prior learning relating to the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions and removals, carbon management planning, and the verification of greenhouse gas emissions, before attending this course.

Pedagogical objectives

  • To know and understand the evolving policy and regulatory landscape related to carbon reduction, carbon neutrality, and net zero
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, on your pathway to net zero
  • Embed GHG management and carbon neutrality into your environmental and energy management activities
  • Improve environmental and energy performance, contributing to reduced risk, carbon emissions, and associated costs
  • Enhance your sustainability credentials and improve organizational resilience
  • Support your organization and local, national, and regional endeavors to mitigate climate risks and wider social and corporate governance efforts
international training

Do you need more information?

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Telephone: 01 89 79 00 40
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You will be put in touch with our team if necessary.