Collaborative BIM: Senior Management Workshop Training Course

This course will help you to understand the benefits of digitization, lean processes and collaborative approaches in the delivery and operation of built assets (buildings and infrastructure).

It will provide an introduction to ISO 19650, the international series of standards for building information modelling (BIM). It will also provide an introduction to how clients and supply chains need to work together to manage project and asset information successfully.

Finally, the course will discuss the different types of change that are needed to put collaborative BIM into practice and enable you to start creating your own action plan for your organization’s next steps.

How will I benefit?

This course will help you:

  • Understand the business and standards landscape around BIM
  • Introduce collaborative BIM to your project and asset teams
  • Appreciate the steps in procuring, managing and delivering information
  • Understand customer and supply-side responsibilities for collaborative BIM
  • Work out what your organization should do next to start putting BIM into practice

*Nos formations sont éligibles à la prise en charge par les opérateurs de compétences (OPCO), si vous souhaitez en bénéficier, merci de nous informer lors de votre inscription.

**Veuillez noter que, pour les sessions inter, vous avez jusqu’à 48h avant le début de la session pour vous valider votre inscription. Pour les sessions intra, le délai est de deux semaines avant le début de la session.

***Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, veuillez nous contacter pour procéder à votre inscription : par email à ou par téléphone au 01 80 46 17 91.