Clinical Evaluation for Medical Devices - International Training

This one-day course offers a robust overview of the clinical evaluation process for medical devices against the medical device regulation (MDR - EU 2017/745), MEDDEV 2.7/1 revision 4 and relevant MDCG guidance documents.

Designed for clinical professionals with a base understanding of general safety and performance requirements, this training teaches you how to explain the key principles of clinical evaluation. During this stage of your learning journey, you will gain skills to determine when your device requires clinical investigation and you will leave with a full grasp of the clinical evaluation process.


Familiarity with your own device, clinical safety and performance issues.

Awareness of:

General Safety and Performance Requirements (Annex I), Clinical Evaluation and investigations (Annex XIV and XV) of the MDR - EU 2017/745

MEDDEV 2.7.1 Revision 4 and relevant MDCG guidance documents

Pedagogical objectives

  • Fully grasp clinical evaluation requirements in line with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR - EU 2017/745), MEDDEV 2.7/1 revision 4 and relevant MDCG guidance documents
  • Able to explain key requirements and expectations of medical device clinical evaluation to your organization
  • Apply the clinical evaluation process for medical devices within your organization
international training

Do you need more information?

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service department on the following numbers:

Telephone: 01 89 79 00 40
Email: Or via the webchat service on our website:

You will be put in touch with our team if necessary.