What role can the UNSDGs play in supply chain sustainability?

As the United Nations is expected to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, organizations have an enormous opportunity to step up and take a broader view of their role in society, explore how they can do more to support their suppliers on corporate sustainability and use their value chains as a source of increasing their positive impact on people and the environment.

BSI has formally committed to the 17 UN SDGs and we have chosen to base our sustainability strategy around them because they act as a shared framework for managing sustainable development on a global scale. Additionally, we are signed up to the UN Global Compact, a pact that encourages businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation.

At BSI, we believe that by adopting a global set of sustainability goals and a shared view of how to become a sustainable and resilient organization, we maximize our impact towards social, environmental and economic sustainability. Key to this philosophy for success is the belief that collaboration towards shared sustainability objectives maximises each actor’s impact towards sustainable change. 

BSI is committed to advancing all the UN Sustainable Development Goals; making a positive impact both through our own actions and by helping clients to make sustainable choices.