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    Effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

    Effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

    Level Professional Duration 2 days
    Available to book: In-house View dates and book now | Now available online

    Root cause analysis is one of the most common techniques for getting to the source of an issue, rather than just treating the symptoms. Despite its benefits, it can be difficult to embed effectively.
    This training course uses a practical approach to systematically describe the problem, understand the situation, root out and fix the cause, and put steps in place to make sure the problem remains fixed.
    It’s often used to resolve day-to-day, operational issues in organizations but it can also be expanded to solve more complicated problems.

    Pre requisites

    If you have little or no knowledge of basic analytical tools, you’ll find it useful to study our course on the seven principles of quality control.

    • You’ll learn the knowledge and skills to:
      • Understand and apply root cause analysis techniques
      • Categorize different types of causes such as: Direct, contributing and root causes effectively for greater clarity during problem solving
      • Use appropriate tools and techniques for problem analysis
      • Add structure to the selection of appropriate solution
      • Lead or facilitate small groups to use improvement techniques and activities to solve routine problems in your organization
      • Identifying the corrective actions to be taken
      • Uncover the real root causes of problems faced in your daily operations and enable fact-based decision-making On completion, you will be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

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