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    Road Traffic Safety Management Systems: Lead Auditor

    Road Traffic Safety Management Systems: Lead Auditor

    Level Lead auditor Duration 5 days
    Available to book: Public classroom View dates and book now

    A road traffic safety management system (RTSMS), based on ISO 39001, can provide your organization with an international best-practice framework for managing road safety risks, evaluating their impact, and developing the capability to achieve results. This will help in meeting RTS objectives and generally contribute to the welfare of employees and societal goals.

    The framework of a road traffic safety management system, with a robust audit process, can ensure that your organization is consistently evaluating its RTMS performance. This will help to drive continual improvement in the area of risk which can be devastating to those affected by road traffic incidents.  You might also want to find out more about supplier/subcontractor (2nd party) and independent audits (3rd party) and how they would operate.

    This course will develop the knowledge and skills required to undertake an audit of an RTSMS as a lead auditor; emphasizing independent auditing principles and practices.  Using practical exercises, group activities and classroom discussions, an experienced instructor will guide you through the entire audit process, including the principles and practice of auditing and their application in the auditing of ISO 39001 RTSMS.

    What are the benefits?

    • Establish effectiveness of the RTSMS in your organization
    • Demonstrate commitment to managing the risks associated with an effective RTSM to your customers and other interested parties
    • Manage an audit team
    • Prepare for 2nd and 3rd party audits
    • Conduct 2nd and 3rd party audits
    • Develop skills in auditing ISO 39001 and lead auditor expertise
    • Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

      • Interpret the requirements of ISO 39001:2011 in the context of an audit
      • Describe the purpose of: an RTS management system, of RTS management systems standards, of management system audit and of third party certification
      • Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up RTS management system audit in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 17021 where appropriate)
      • Plan, conduct, report and follow up an audit of an RTS management systems to establish conformance (or otherwise) with ISO 39001 and in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 17021 where appropriate)
      • Those with responsibilities for transport planning, fleet management, occupational health and safety, human resources
      • Those with responsibility for road safety management and enforcement authorities
      • Internal and external management systems auditors and lead auditors who are new to RTSM and leading RTSMS audits
      • Those interested in finding out more about RTSMS auditing
    • Includes examination fee, refreshments, lunch and training course notes
      • Knowledge of ISO 39001 and management system auditing
      • Knowledge of road traffic systems and management which might include: transport management, traffic management, emergency service management, fleet management, road transport design, road traffic incident investigation and reporting
      • Knowledge of road traffic performance metrics including performance factors

      Further information

      • This course contains a two hour closed-book examination on day five. A certificate of attendance is awarded to participants on this course. Participants who pass the examination receive additional recognition for this achievement on their certificates.

      Next steps

      • Start your road traffic safety training today!
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