Webinar replay
Recorded: 24 September 2020, 15:30 – 17:00 (UK Time)
What’s this webinar about?
This free webinar launched the first consultation on a new standard called: Built Environment – Overarching Competence Framework - Specification.
The framework provides a set of core principles of competence, including leading and managing safety, communicating safety, delivering safety, risk management, regulations & processes, building systems, ethics, and fire/life safety. The webinar is an opportunity for key stakeholders to learn about the framework standard, the development process and how they can get involved. It will be a mix of presentations and Q&A.
What will participants gain?
- A better understanding of the competence work programme and the new draft standard
- Information on how they can influence the new draft standard
- The chance to ask our experts questions
- A post-event recording