This term is part of the following categories: Safety, Sensors and Vehicle system.
Version 4.0, Release: March 2022
Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle could collide with an object in its path and applies steering inputs automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the driver takes no action.
NOTE 1 AES systems might use different sensor types (e.g. camera, radar, lidar), work in different driving conditions (e.g. highways, urban) and act on the ego vehicle in different ways depending on the situation.
NOTE 2 AES systems could consider the ego vehicle’s surroundings and other objects and their trajectories to determine a predicted minimal risk steering trajectory.
NOTE 3 AES systems are distinct from steering support systems which augment a driver’s steering input to avoid a collision only when the driver has initiated a steering movement.
Previous versions:
Version: 3.0, Release: October 2020
Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle could collide with an object in its path and applies steering inputs automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the driver takes no action.
NOTE 1: AES systems may use different sensor types (e.g. camera, radar, lidar), work in different driving conditions (e.g. highways, urban) and act on the ego vehicle in different ways depending on the situation.
NOTE 2: AES systems should consider the ego vehicle’s surroundings and other objects and their trajectories to determine a predicted minimal risk steering trajectory.
NOTE 3: AES systems are distinct from steering support systems which augment a driver’s steering input to avoid a collision only when the driver has initiated a steering movement.