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    Shanghai Baosteel Packaging Material Co. Ltd.

    Business scope: The manufacture of steel strapping and seals.

    Products, services or works: The manufacture of steel strapping and seals.

    BSI logo


    Yuepu Town, No. 191, Yuanhe Road
    Baoshan District
    People's Republic of China

    Verification date: 43448

    Phone: 2166933393

    • Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      OHS 531213 ISO 45001:2018 2019-03-21 2026-12-15

      The manufacture of steel strapping, seals and thickened plates.

      Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      FM 535410 ISO 9001:2015 2008-04-22 2026-12-13

      The manufacture of steel straps and VRB (Variable-thickness Rolled Blank), The sale of locks. Registration address: Building 6, No. 1067 Chunhe Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai
      钢捆带和变厚板的制造,锁扣的销售。 注册地址:上海市宝山区春和路1067号6幢

      Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      EMS 581398 ISO 14001:2015 2012-02-03 2027-01-31

      The manufacture of steel strapping, seals and thickened plates.

    • Years of operation
      Years range: 10 - 15 yrs
      Number of years in operation: 11

      Type of ownership
      Not to disclose

      Annual turnover
      Not to disclose

      Business license or equivalent official document
      Occupational health and safety
      Environmental management system
    • Total employees:
      51 - 100

      Total number of employees: 83

      Permanent employees:

      Production staff:

      QA/QC staff:

      Service staff employees:

    • Facilities on site(eg: office space, warehouse) Size of facilities (m2)
      Office area -
      Production area -
      Warehouse area -
      Other area Total area: 7,000
      Sole use of site and buildings
      Not to disclose
    • 上海宝钢包装钢带有限公司
    • Key export country / region Percentage of sales
      Not to disclose Not to disclose
    • Key sourcing country / region Percentage of purchases
      Not to disclose Not to disclose
    • Site Name Site Address Certificate/License number Standard/Scheme number or name