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    Upward viewpoint inside a forest
    • Webinar

    Explore Our Nature Investment Standards Program

    Discover its role in boosting confidence in nature markets while increasing private sector investment.

    Supporting nature aids biodiversity, net zero and other environmental goals

    Teaming up with Defra, we created a bold program based on extensive industry involvement to remove barriers to nature and vital ecosystem services.

    • Discover the benefits of the Nature Investment Standards Program.

    • More how it can help build confidence in nature markets and increase private sector investments.

    • Explore the standards framework that establishes clear principles for high-integrity markets.

    Webinar speakers


    Seb van Dort, Associate Director, Energy and Sustainability, BSI

    Chair of the webinar


    Rt Hon. Lord Benyon, Defra Minister of State

    Session: Investing in nature and the market framework


    George Sethia, Program Lead, BSI

    Session: Program objectives and the emerging standards framework


    Helen Avery, Director of Nature Programs and GFI Hive, GFI

    Session: Stakeholder perspective: investors and buyers


    Rohit Kaushish, Chief Economics Advisor, NFU

    Session: Stakeholder perspective: suppliers and providers


    Helen Edmundson, Deputy Director, Green Finance, Defra

    Session: Panel and Q&A


    Paul Cottington, Head of Conservation Investment, RSPB

    Session: Panel and Q&A

    Contact Us

    Assess the environmental impact of your operations

    Harness the power of standards to drive efficiency, solve societal challenges, and shape a dynamic future.

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