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    Doctors looking at AI on screen
    • Webinar
      Medical Devices

    AI Algorithm Auditing and Dataset Testing for the Medical Imaging Industry

    Learn about the relationship of this voluntary assessment service to the full conformity assessments required under the EU AI Act, and its benefits.

    Introduction to BSI’s AI Algorithm Auditing and Dataset Testing service.

    Examples and insights will focus on the Medical Imaging industry but are widely applicable to other areas of AI.

    • Voluntary assessment service to the full conformity assessments required under the EU AI Act.

    • Benefits that a voluntary assessment can offer.

    • Preparation for a full conformity assessment.

    • Verify AI performance to yourself, to your customers, and to your investors.


    Presenter information


    Sam Roberts

    AI Technical Specialist and Team Manager, BSI

    AI Algorithm Auditing and Dataset Testing AA&DT for Medical Imaging Industry
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