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  • Impact Story

Supporting the Move to a Flexible, Low CO2 Energy System

Energy Smart Appliances (ESAs) are driving a shift in the relationship between consumers and suppliers to match the availability of renewable energy.

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Driving Innovation

Making the transition to smart energy nationwide

With a commitment to delivering smart, flexible energy, the UK Government recognized the developing sector needed leadership and direction.

Smart energy is central to a greener future. ESAs – which can automatically modulate their electricity consumption – play a critical part in this and are key to efficiencies and savings. UK innovators in this space needed timely guidance and support.

The Challenge

Removing complexity to enable acceleration for a key sector

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy needed up-to-date research and consultation. Our initial Standards Landscape report included five recommendations for the path forward.

Delivering leadership for this area – including standards, testing and certification, and a strategic roadmap – would mean understanding and navigating complex challenges such as the need for supply and demand to be balanced efficiently for both the network operator and the consumer, and the need to facilitate the uptake of safe, secure and interoperable ESAs.

Using the report as a foundation for moving forward meant building on four policy principles identified as critical: grid stability, cyber security, interoperability and data privacy.

The Solution

Putting safety and reliability at the heart of user confidence

The ESA Program is implementing the recommendations from the Landscape Report. It addresses current standardization gaps and seeks to ensure industry and government liaison of future activities.

The ESA program includes developing two Publicly Available Specifications (PASs): one to define a framework for demand side response and one to specify a classification for ESAs.

The program will enable the establishment of a mechanism to guide, test and certify how an appliance can be safely and confidently placed on the market as an ESA, inspiring consumer confidence.

It also aims to promote and guide collaboration between key stakeholders engaged in the design and manufacture of ESAs, including Electric Vehicle chargepoints.

Making a timely and practical difference to emerging technologies

The ESA Program has started to deliver the following benefits:

Supporting move to low energy system -  twist dial to eco mode on oven
  • down arrow

    Develop products aligned with the transition towards clean economic growth.

  • home

    Achieve a consistent but flexible standards infrastructure for ESAs.

  • plus

    Support the realization of policy principles.

  • tick

    Provide guidance to industry developing and deploying ESAs in the market.

Servicing a consumer base hungry for growth

The market for energy smart appliances is maturing at a rapid rate.

  • 50%

    50% of energy demand is from the domestic and commercial sectors

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  • 30%

    30% reduction in energy costs through transitioning to a smart home

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  • 300%

    300% increase in next five years in number of homes having smart energy devices

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  • $89 billion

    $89 billion estimated value of the smart energy devices market by 2027

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Driving sustainability for society

Our engagement with the smart energy sector is just one way that we're committed to making environmental sustainability a reality for UK society.

Landscape Reports, PASs and consultation documents are among the many tools we use to help developers and innovators get ahead. Whatever area you're working in, our experience and insight can take you forward.

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Your partner for smart energy strategies

Contact us today to explore how we can help you deliver innovation which is safe, compliant and successful.

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