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    BSI Flex 1889 - Natural language description for automated driving systems
    • Standard Document
      Flex Standard

    BSI Flex 1889 - Natural Language Description for Automated Driving Systems

    BSI Flex 1889 v2.0:2023-09 defines a language for Level 3+ ADS test scenarios, for confidence, safety & efficient communication in automated driving.

    Define and categorize automated driving language with BSI Flex 1889 v2.0

    • BSI Flex 1889 provides a structured natural language format for Level 3+ ADS test scenarios.

    • It enables manufacturers to compile evidence, improving confidence and safety of automated vehicles.

    • BSI Flex 1889 sets out different types of scenarios and provides examples.

    • It is valuable for test/audit providers, manufacturers, developers, suppliers and more.

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