Certifying to ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management

Demonstrate that you manage supply chain risks effectively with an ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System. Certification to this internationally recognized standard of best practice can help you win customer trust, meet regulatory requirements and streamline your supply chain operations.

How to get certified to ISO 28000

We make the certification process straighforward. After we have received your application we appoint a client manager with the skill set to match your organization, to guide your business through the following steps.

  1. Gap analysis - 
    This is an optional pre-assessment service where we take a closer look at your existing system and compare it with the ISO 28000 requirements. This helps identify areas that need more work before we carry out a formal assessment, saving you time and money.

  2. Formal assessment - 
    This happens in two stages. First we review your organization’s preparedness for assessment by checking if the necessary ISO 28000 procedures and controls have been developed. We will share the details of our findings with you so that if we find gaps, you can close them. If all the requirements are in place, we will then assess the implementation of the procedures within your organization to make sure that they are working effectively as required for certification.

  3. Certification and beyond - 
    When you have passed the formal assessment you will receive an ISO 28000 certificate, which is valid for three years. Your client manager will stay in touch during this time, paying you regular visits to make sure your system doesn’t just remain compliant, but that it continually improves.

What are the benefits of ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System?

ISO 28000 brings big benefits to companies of all sizes. Confidence, consistency, a market advantage and more business can come with an ISO 28000 security management system as more customers require you to demonstrate your competence. It helps you: 

  • Facilitate trade and expedite the transport of goods across borders
  • Monitor and manage security risks throughout your business and supply chain
  • Gain a competitive advantage and win new business
  • Encourage companies to secure their own processes within supply chains
  • Reassure stakeholders of your organization’s commitment to the safety of individuals and security of goods and services
  • Allows management to focus finite resources in areas of greatest concern
  • Benchmark your organization’s security management practices with international best practice
  • Achieve cost savings through a reduction in security incidents and potential reduction in corporate insurance premiums
  • Gain opportunities to improve efficiency across working practices