Recorded: Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Timing: 06.00 – 07.30 (UTC)
What’s this webinar about?
The first event on Day One of our chase-the-sun series on key OH&S topics, this webinar explores not only why psychological health, safety and well-being should be at the heart of OH&S, but also the importance of recognizing different risks and needs. With an introduction to ISO 45003, the first global standard on this topic, we will discuss how organizations can identify and manage psychosocial risks taking into account how this varies for different workers depending on individual characteristics and other factors. Our experts will offer practical, easily implemented approaches and tips for ensuring no worker is left unprotected.
Who should attend this webinar?
- All businesses and organizations irrespective of region, size or sector
What will participants gain?
- An increased understanding of how to use ISO 45003 to manage psychological health and safety at work
- A stronger awareness of the importance of tailoring the management of psychological health to individual circumstances
- Practical tips and advice on using the standard effectively
- The chance to submit questions to our experts, both in advance and on the day
- A post-event copy of all presentations and a recording of the webinar
This event contributes to UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, SDG 5 Gender equality, SDG 8 Decent wor and economic growth, and SDG 10 Reduced inequalities.
06:00 Introduction to the panel
06:05 Why psychological health, safety and wellbeing should be at the heart of OH&S
06:15 Introducing ISO 45003 and tailoring your approach to managing psychological health
06:30 Series of panel discussions, such as:
- Addressing psychological health and safety in different sectors and sizes of organizations
- The different psychosocial risks for workers with different characteristics
- Taking steps to ensure no-one is left behind
- The user experience: how has ISO 45003 helped?
- Practical tips and advice from the experts
07:25 How to obtain the standards and how to get more information