There is a lot of juggling involved in running a business –keeping data secure, minimizing the impact on the environment, and keeping your employees safe, all while producing the best product possible.
While all of these elements are interdependent, often organizations keep separate systems, with little to no collaboration across departments or areas of responsibility.
Best practice dictates that integrating systems not only maximizes the impact of each, but also brings efficiencies across the organization.
With the new AS 9104-1 changes due to be released soon, integrating AS 91XX with other management systems, such as ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety, ISO 14001 – Environmental management, ISO/IEC 27001 – Information security, and ISO 22301 – Business continuity, will be possible.
Join Brendon Hill, Global Head of Aerospace at BSI, as he discusses the benefits of bringing together disparate management systems and the efficiencies that can be gained.