Automotive technology advances bring new security issues and subsequently reports of security flaws and hacks that are becoming part of our daily news feeds. The impact of malicious security attacks that go beyond data or vehicle theft have the capability to cause significant damage and potential loss of life, along with impact to the manufacturer and supplier reputation. Therefore, building trust in such technology amidst the growing concerns of security attacks and vulnerability exploitations is a challenge that needs to be addressed across the automotive industry.
With the arrival of new UNECE (WP.29) Automotive Cybersecurity Regulation, Harman Hunjan of Renesas and BSI’s automotive cyber security committee explains how standards including the forthcoming ISO SAE 21434 can provide a vital tool for the automotive industry to manage cyber risks, demonstrate compliance with the new regulations and provide confidence to customers.
The report covers:
- Industry alignment for cybersecurity
- Development of a cybersecurity mindset
- Development of cybersecurity organization
- Scoping activity and making informed cybersecurity decisions
- Bridging safety and security disciplines
- Ethical hacking and effective incident response systems
- How difficult can security be?
- Normalising the supply chain
- Security process impact to the supply chain
- Relevant standards – current and future
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