We can all become vulnerable at any time, whether through disability, ill health, financial hardship, mental health issues, or life events such as relationship breakdowns. With the right practices in place, consumers can access trusted services when they need them most. To help consumers trust services and businesses to highlight their inclusive service practices, the BSI Kitemark for Inclusive Service uses best practices from BS ISO 22458 (formerly BS 18477) and meets requirements of key UK regulatory bodies.
Already protecting millions of us across the British Isles, the BSI Kitemark for Inclusive Service is open to all businesses aiming to demonstrate best practice. The certification is tailored to regulatory requirements in the following sectors:
Energy sector – aligned with Ofgem requirements
Water sector – aligned with Ofwat requirements
Finance sector – aligned with FCA requirements
The Kitemark is already being used to demonstrate compliance to BS ISO 22458 - Consumer Vulnerability by some of the UK's leading companies.