Soft Skills training

Our experienced team are here to help you work with people development. Whether it’s public training or in company sessions, we can support with training and workshops.


All training courses

Project Management >

A successful project takes into consideration implementation of a methodology which will ensure that projects are well-managed and deliver the expected results and to expectations.  Where Project Management is involved, it is important to apply a set of techniques that will promise success in repeated and different types of projects.


2 days classroom training course

Managing people for success >

Good managers maximize time, talent and resources to raise profits and morale. However, people management does not come naturally to all. This course helps all managers, whether new to the task or seeking to enhance their effectiveness, to increase the achievements of their team.


2 days classroom training course

Confident Communication >

This course looks at individual communication and provides techniques to improve confidence and communication ability. It provides basic understanding on the fundamentals of communication and is filled with practical tips for improvement in terms of delivery, receiving, as well as achieving the intended results right first time. 


2 days classroom training course

Impressive Presentations Skills >

This course covers what makes great presentations and presenters. It covers the entire presentation process from planning, to preparation, delivery, up to managing the audience and their questions.  Participants will find this course fun and interesting as it is designed based on the accelerated learning model.


2 days classroom training course