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Get the most out of your Quality Management System (QMS) by gaining an in-depth understanding of 4 critical areas of ISO 9001:2015. Whether you’re involved in an ISO 9001:2015 transition, implementation or audit, this detailed 2 day course explores the topics of: Process Approach, Risk-based Thinking, External Provision and Auditing Leadership within the context of the organization in order to develop your ability to tackle them successfully.
This course will help you:
Our high impact accelerated learning approach increases learning by improving knowledge retention and skill application. This course is activity-based, resulting in a deeper understanding of the material and a greater impact on job performance.
You will learn about:
People working directly with an ISO 9001:2015 QMS, including managers, implementers and auditors.
You should have good knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 and the key principles of a QMS.
This training course is HRDF approved under the SBL scheme.
On completion, you will be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.
Reach out and see how we can help guide you on your path to sustainable operational success.