ISO 17025:2017 Laboratory Quality System Training

ISO 17025 Laboratory Quality Management training courses

All BSI Public Training Courses use accelerated learning techniques which includes lectures, exercises and interaction sessions to ensure you fully understand the subject matter.

Understanding the Guide to the Uncertainty of Measurement >

Every laboratory performs measurement, which is subject to some uncertainty. It is only when the uncertainty is stated that the laboratory’s measurement capability can be determined. This is the reason why the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), adopted by the Philippine Bureau of Products Standards, was written, so that uncertainty statements made by different laboratories would have the same meaning.


2 days classroom training course

Understanding ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for Testing and Calibration Laboratories >

Deepen your awareness of ISO 17025:2017 requirements for testing and calibration laboratories and testing organizations. 

This course will take you through the standard which covers everything from test equipment, data sampling and valid specifications to improve an organization’s quality assurance systems (and as a result their quality control). 


2 days classroom training course