Cloud Security training courses

Cloud Security training courses

Learn how to manage cloud security by training with our experts.

Learn how to manage cloud security by training with our experts.

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Training courses for Cloud Security

BSI, in association with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has developed training courses to help service providers become better at managing the security of their cloud services. This should not only give customers of service providers confidence in their ability to deliver, it can also enhance reputation and could be an important differentiator between competitors.

STAR Certification

STAR is CSA’s registry that allows users to access and assess the security practices of cloud providers they currently use or are considering contracting to do business with.

Auditing Cloud Security for CSA STAR Certification On-demand eLearning >

If you need to understand Auditing Cloud Security for CSA STAR Certification and are confident enough not to need tutor-led training, you can opt for an online, self-paced version of our Auditing Cloud Security for CSA STAR Certification On-demand Training Course.


Looking for a tutor-led course with peer-to-peer interaction? This course is also available in a virtual or location-based classroom.


4 hours on-demand training course

CSA Star: The Cloud Security and Privacy Governance and Compliance Program on-demand eLearning >

If you need to understand the CSA Star and are confident enough not to need tutor-led training, you can opt for an online, self-paced version of our CSA Star: The Cloud Security and Privacy Governance and Compliance Program on-demand eLearning course.


6 hours on-demand training course