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    ISO 45001 Leadership, Culture and Worker Participation eLearning course

    ISO 45001 Leadership, Culture and Worker Participation eLearning course

    Level Understanding Duration 4 hours
    Available to book: On-demand elearning RM600 + 8% SST Book your place
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    This course introduces learners to the Leadership and Worker Participation clauses of the ISO 45001:2018 standard covering Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&SMS). It explains top management’s role and responsibilities in conforming to the standard and the processes required for consultation and participation of workers.

    Good health and safety in the workplace requires effective processes, such as those required by ISO 45001, to be established and maintained. However the effectiveness of an OS&H management system is driven by the culture of the organization. This module explores culture and the two key elements that underpin it – leadership and worker engagement.

    If you require an overview of top management roles and responsibilities and culture with reference to the ISO 45001 Standard and are confident enough not to need tutor-led training, this online, self-paced course offers you complete flexibility.

    You can study in your own time when it suits you, and you can access the course from any internet-enabled device 24/7.

    How will I benefit?

    This course will help you:

    • understand top managements roles and responsibilities in conforming to the ISO 45001:2018 standard
    • Understand the processes required for consultation and participation of workers
    • After completing this module, you will be able to:

      • Describe top management’s role and responsibilities in the successful establishment and maintenance of the OH&SMS
      • Describe how the leadership requirement touches upon other clauses of the standard, and all parts of the PDCA cycle
      • Describe how the consultation and participation of workers contributes to the OH&SMS
      • Define safety culture and explain its importance to health and safety in the workplace
      • Describe three types of leadership and the attributes needed to foster a safety culture
      • Explain why engaging with workers is critical to optimizing health and safety performance
      • Describe methods for engaging with workers
      • Anyone involved in the ISO 45001 implementation
      • ISO 45001 internal and lead auditors
      • Anyone involved in health and safety risk management
      • Anyone involved in emergency planning or business continuity / resilience within an organization
      • Health and Safety representatives and Trade Union representatives
      • Top Management
    • There are no formal prerequisites. For delegates implementing or auditing ISO 45001, having a copy of the standard would be beneficial.

    • On completion, you’ll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

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