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    Introduction to Minitab

    Introduction to Minitab

    Level Understanding Duration 1 day
    Available to book: In-house Request a quote
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    Minitab Statistical Software is one of the most widely used statistical software in the world. Minitab was originally developed in 1972 at The Pennsylvania State University to help professors teach statistics using computers so students could focus on learning statistical concepts rather than on performing manual calculations. Nowadays, Minitab has been widely used in the manufacturing environment in assisting the implementation of Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Design of Experiment (DOE) and others statistical methodology in the contexts of Six Sigma Excellence. With the application of Minitab, you can automate the tedious calculation process and focus more on analyzing the results for process improvement.

    Note: Inclusive of Minitab trial version

    How will I benefit?

    • To greatly reduce the time needed to calculate and analyze data
    • To minimize the calculation error due to manual calculation
    • To make data analysis easy for making decision 
      • Learn to use Minitab windows, menus and toolbars
      • Enter data into a Minitab worksheet and use the Autofill feature
      • Create data collection and sampling plans
      • Generate patterned text, and date/time data
      • Generate random samples from a column of data
      • Use histograms, boxplots, and time series plots to analyze data
      • Calculate descriptive statistics to examine important features of data
    • This course is designed for front line managers, engineers or executives to apply Minitab functionalities and capabilities to analyze the data for making decision.

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      This training course is HRD Corp claimable programme.

    • On completion, you will be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

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