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How many environmental laws are there in Malaysia? Do you know what they are and how to read them? Have you read news of Senior Management who are charged and organizations that are penalised and shamed publicly for failure to comply? Are you aware of the recent acts and regulations such as Environmental Quality (Amendment) Act 2012, regulations on sewage, industrial effluents regulations and control of pollution from solid waste transfer station and landfill regulations 2009 and Clean Air Regulations 2014?
Fulfilling the compliance obligations is one of aims for implementing environmental management systems based on ISO 14001:2015 standard. This training course will be presented with introduction of Malaysian Environmental laws, detailed explanation of the requirements for expose participants to its interpretation and what it takes to comply.
On completion of training, participants would be able to:
Management and executives who are responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliant with the rules and regulations, as well as Environmental Management System (EMS) Committee members and personnel concerned with the development and implementation of the EMS in their organizations.
This training course is HRD Corp claimable programme.
On completion, you will be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.
Reach out and see how we can help guide you on your path to sustainable operational success.