Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification

Building sustainable resilience in the palm oil industry

Building sustainable resilience in the palm oil industry

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MSPO Certification
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MSPO certification with BSI

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) address sustainability issues and challenges in relation to the multi-stakeholders involve in the industry which complies with Malaysian laws and ratified international agreements.

The standard describes the sustainability requirements for the production throughout the supply chain from the raw materials until the transport to consumer and makes it possible for smallholders to establish, maintain and improve their operational practices within management system framework, which enables the approach towards attaining sustainable production of palm oil.

Note: MSPO Certification is valid for 5 years.

MSPO 2530:2022 certification for oil palm producers

MSPO certification scheme allows for growers (independent or organised smallholders or estates), millers, dealers, processing facilities and oil palm biomass to be certified as:

  • Independent Smallholders less than 40.46Ha
  • Organized Smallholders less than 40.46Ha
  • Oil Palm Plantations 40.46Ha to 500Ha
  • Oil Palm Plantations more than 500Ha
  • Palm Oil Mill including Supply Chain
  • Palm Oil Processing Facilities including Supply Chain
  • Dealers including Supply Chain
  • MSPO Chain of Custody (CoC) of Oil Palm Biomass

MSPO certification enables organizations to declare their products as sustainable.

Benefits of certification include:

  • Enhanced organizational reputations for being socially and environmentally responsible
  • Facilitated access to the growing green market
  • Supports significant growth and economic development opportunities for oil palm smallholders
  • Ensures sustainable and equitable use of resources without negatively impacting the environment or risking the health or safety of employees
  • Compliance with Government of Malaysia directive on MSPO certification