BRCGS Global Standards
For operational sites where physical audits can’t take place and not conducting an audit will lead to a certificate can either be extended OR a blended audit, in part using ICT, can be conducted.
Extensions will be approved by BSI’s BRCGS programme manager and based on documented eight-hour risk assessments which will cover:
- Certification history
- The site’s COVID-19 emergency response plan
- Internal audits
- Significant changes
- Customer complaints, recalls and withdrawals
- Management meetings
Non-conformities can still be raised and shall be actioned by the site as per the standard BRCGS close-out timeframe.
Once the site becomes accessible, the full onsite audit will need to take place as normal
BRCGS Packaging: If your site is certified to Issue 5, the risk assessment will be conducted against Issue 5. When travel restrictions are lifted, a full on-site Issue 6 audit must be conducted as soon as possible.
BRCGS Gluten Free: The risk assessment applies to a GFCP certified site, if the third-party certification programme is maintained, and it allows and extension.
Unannounced audits: If your site would like to continue with your unannounced programme, unannounced audits can take place.
New or transfer clients: BSI can’t accept new or transferring clients without a physical site visit. Therefore, clients in the process of transferring must return to their original certification body.
Blended audits for all BRCGS benchmarked programmes can be conducted, in part, using ICT. BRCGS Agents and Brokers audit can be done entirely remotely. This only applies to announced audits and re-certifications.