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    Achieving Market Access

    Explore how to sell your products and services to some of the most attractive global markets by ensuring compliance to regulations and standards.

    Achieving market access - Multi-ethnic group of people, men and women arranging customers orders for drop shipping in warehouse

    Discover how to sell your product into popular global marketplaces including UK, Europe, Australia, China, UAE and Singapore.

    Achieving market access - Cargo ship terminal
    Why BSI

    Unlock global market access, customer trust and early export success

    Our testing and certification services are your key to unlocking new market access effortlessly.

    We're here to help you to meet international regulatory and compliance requirements and streamline your success.

    Accelerating your progress in a world of opportunity

    Empower your organization with our quality-driven approach to navigating market access.

    Get in touch
    Achieving market access - A group of people attending a meeting
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      Achieve rigorous quality assurance, ensuring your products meet the highest industry standards.

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      Attain globally recognized certification to enhance credibility and market acceptance.

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      Undergo standards-based product testing, certifying the reliability and safety of your products.

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      Secure seamless access to international markets, expanding your organization's global reach.

    Products & Services

    Discover tools for successful market access

    • Standards are blueprints for excellence, providing robust strategies for minimizing risk, ensuring safety, and championing sustainability.
      Find a standard

      We are committed to providing our clients with impartial and independent certification services. Because of this, we are not able to provide management system or product consultancy services and certification services to the same client where there may be a conflict of interest. This message will appear as a reminder on future visits to our site.

    • Benefit from relevant courses that are continually updated with the latest global trends and regulatory changes.
      Find a course

      We are committed to providing our clients with impartial and independent certification services. Because of this, we are not able to provide management system or product consultancy services and certification services to the same client where there may be a conflict of interest. This message will appear as a reminder on future visits to our site.

    • Assess, certify, test, and audit your people, products, and processes with the support of our experts.
      Find out more

      We are committed to providing our clients with impartial and independent certification services. Because of this, we are not able to provide management system or product consultancy services and certification services to the same client where there may be a conflict of interest. This message will appear as a reminder on future visits to our site.

    • Software solutions to help you manage your audit, compliance, and supply chain activities, as well as your regulatory information.
      Discover tools

      We are committed to providing our clients with impartial and independent certification services. Because of this, we are not able to provide management system or product consultancy services and certification services to the same client where there may be a conflict of interest. This message will appear as a reminder on future visits to our site.

    Insights & Media

    Explore cutting-edge insights into effectively navigating market access

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    In a world where confidence in quality is paramount

    Success hinges on delivering excellence.

    • 78%

      78% of organizations feel more confident in the quality of a product that bears the BSI Kitemark™.

    • 70%

      70% of consumers feel increased confidence in the quality of a product that bears the BSI Kitemark™.

    Contact Us

    Let's secure your success in the market together

    Our team is ready to assist you in navigating the intricacies of achieving market access.

    Get in touch